INNER TREASURES is a streetwear clothing brand with an artistic side to it. Our clothes feature otherworldly designs that break every barrier of expectation. The inspiration to create iT came from searching deep inside our mind, body and soul. The things we managed to bring back were our treasures and that’s how the name INNER TREASURES came to be. The treasures that come from within.
The streets are major Part of iT. Having grown up around the skate and graffiti scene a lot of inspiration came from being around passionate people that are out there in the streets all day trying to reach their dreams. This is a brand for people who are true to themselves and seek to find their inner truth.

However it didn’t stop there, a lot of inspiration came from the human body anatomy, nature, the stars and most of all the urge to discover and unveil new secrets hidden in this incredible universe we live in.

INNER TREASURES is not just a clothing brand, it is a community of creative people that work together in order to create unique designs that tell a different story to everyone. This community is open to collaborate with anyone who wants to be part of iT. We support all people with creative backgrounds and seek to collaborate with them. The long term goal is to form an online community of creatives where their work can be showcased and also featured on clothes.

Major part of iT is to respect and take care of ourselves and the beautiful planet we live in. Its no coincidence our tags say “Made on EARTH”. This is to promote a message that unites all of us and helps humanity move a step forward where we are all equal. It is also a reminder that the spinning blue ball in the middle of nowhere we call earth should never be taken for granted and it is our responsibility to keep her beautiful. We try our best to do so as well. Our inks are ECO friendly which means no harmful chemicals are disposed on the soil and rivers. Next up is ECO friendly fabrics made from hemp and other non harmful materials.
Our store is located on the inner rim of the orion arm of the milky way galaxy in the solar sytem on planet Earth. You can find us on the virtual world of the internet running exclusively for residents of planet Earth on the following link : innerTreasuresBrand.com
